Door spammers is a community managed list of bad actors.
The name derives from the garbage flyers that shady companies leave hanging on your door knob.
Members submit the information of businesses and service workers that negatively impact their community.
This allows other members to actively avoid doing business with those who are incapable of operating as productive members of society.
Your email will include the details of what you did to deserve being added to the list.
Common infractions are:
Door-to-door sales: Interrupting people's lives for no reason
Littering: Door cards, windshield flyers, etc.
Fraudulent advertising: Misrepresented pricing
Illegally blocking roadways: Landscapers are a prime offender
Understand that this has nothing to do with your product or service.
You are rarely added to this list by someone that has retained your services.
Being added to this list means you have been a disruption to your community.
You can't.
You can reflect on how you treat those around you.
Currently the list is only available to members. We do have plans to eventually make it publicly viewable.
The system is currently invite-only, however we are trialing methods for community-ranked approvals.
We should have a waitlist that you can register to in early 2025.